AmigaActive (1697/2143)

From:Don Cox
Date:25 May 2000 at 23:40:40
Subject:Re: Netconnect 3

On 25-May-00, Tony wrote:

> Although (as i understand it) Active have no plans for a fourth
> version, Netconnect 3' programs continue to be supported and
> developed, and will *continue* to be :)
> For anyone wishing to get online with a Amiga, I would recommend
> buying Netconnect 3 :)

Netconnect is good if you are unsure what to do. If you have some
confidence, it might be better to get MiamiDx and Voyager, then add
other Vapor products as needed.

I got started with Netconnect 1 and am grateful to Chris for putting it


Don Cox

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